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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 results for "National Alliance Officers".

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Alliance Officer's Report for 1918-1919

Florena Gates Rich, Vanderbilt University reviews the activities of Alliances and alumnae members in her report.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Alliance Section of the Tenth Biennial Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes, August 13, 1912

These minutes describe appointments, addresses, and chapter reports from the Alliance Section at the 1912 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Alliance Session of Ninth National Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes, June 21, 1910

These minutes cover the reported work of alliance officers and the visiting delegates, and their committees at the 1910 National Convention. The minutes from the Convention and an outline for alliance officer reports are also included in this collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Committee on Resolutions Report, July 3, 1919

The Committee members express their appreciation for assistance from the National Council Officials, collegiate chapters, delegates, and outside organizations on the success of the 1919 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Ethel W.B. Chase, Our National Alliance Officer

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

First National Alliance Convention of Tri Delta Minutes, September 5-8, 1898

These handwritten minutes of the first National Alliance Convention cover the assembly, activities, discussions, motions, and reports from the event.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Grand President to the Alliance Section of Convention Report, June 21, 1910

In her report to Alliance members, Amy H. Olgen Parmelee, Northwestern University sends her regrets for not being able to attend the 1910 Convention. She commends the work of the Alliance Officer and recommends that she be re-nominated to the position. Two other reports by the Grand President are included in this collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Grand President to the Undergraduate Section of the Ninth Biennial Convention Report, June 21-24, 1910

In her report to the Undergraduate Section of the 1910 Convention, Amy H. Olgen Parmelee, Northwestern University sends her regrets for not being able to attend. She mentions her work with the boards and focuses her recommendations on extension, examinations, and the cost of conventions attendance on delegates, chapters, and the Fraternity itself. Two other reports by the Grand President are included in this collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Miscellaneous, April 1921

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

National Convention Minutes, August 2-5, 1915

These minutes reflect the reports given and decisions made at the 1915 Convention, including those of the Alliance Section, Undergraduate Session, officers, and committees.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Resolution Committee Report, 1915

This report is a resolution thanking chapters and individuals for their successful organization of the 1915 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Suggested Outline for Alliance Reports, June 21, 1910

This documents provides a suggested outline for Chapter Reports and details the topics which will be covered, including membership, finances, property ownership, and record-keeping, histories, and representation among other organizations. Alliance Session of Ninth National Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes, June 21, 1910

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

The Council: Alliance Officer

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Twelfth National Convention Meeting Minutes, June 30-July 3, 1919

These minutes reflect the reports given and decisions made at the 1919 Convention, including those of the Alliance Section, Undergraduate Session, officers, and committees.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Victory Convention Program of Delta Delta Delta, June 30-July 3, 1919

This schedule lists the sessions of the 1915 Convention, including reports, meetings, and discussions which include topics relating to World War I.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection